July 2022

Yesterday, today and tomorrow.

The poetic existence of the camera and the clock.

Tick, follows tick, follows tick... the to-do list marks time by achievements and progress laddering into the future ahead of me.

Click, follows click, follows click... each shutter release falls like a moon-sized slab of marble indelibly and irrevocably marking the moment.

The only lie is the tick and the click — clocks and cameras can be silent now as they each mark time with few, if any, moving parts.

Photography and Chronology work intangibly together — one inexorably advances while the other is opposite, immovable from its moment.

When I take a photograph do I capture the moment? or do I put a tick in a box? — a graven image on the marble to mark that the moment was well-spent in the pursuit of better.

Pick another…

Fill Me In about your wedding plans so far to get the ball rolling — saves your date with me until you've all the information that you need to make a decision.

Smallprint: there's no smallprint, it's all free and easy to do this!